
Increase your knowledge in 2c8 Apps

Here you will find courses that suit everything from beginners to more experienced modelers in 2c8 Apps. When you have purchased one or more online courses, an account is created for you at 2c8 Academy and you get access to the course(s) you purchased. On My page, you will find the courses to which you have access. Remember that you must be logged in to access the course content. Read more about the different course categories here.

Online courses

The fundamentals in 2c8 Apps

Basic course
2c8 Modeling Tool Level 1

2c8 Modeling Tool Level 1

Maximize the benefits of 2c8 Apps

Continuing courses

Continuing course
2c8 Modeling Tool Nivå 2

2c8 Modeling Tool Level 2

Continuing course
2c8 Modeling Tool Nivå 3

2c8 Modeling Tool Level 3

Maximize the use of 2c8 apps

Focus course
Förvaltningsflöde och prenumeranter kort

Maintenance flow and Subscribers

Focus course
web profile and publishing

Web Profile and Publishing

Focus course
permission and privileges

Permissions and privileges

Focus course
descriptions, fields and relations

Descriptions, fields and relations

Focus course
Selection, lists and matrices

Selections, lists and matrices

Instructor-led courses

Method courses

deepening in the 2c8 method

Deepening of the 2c8-method

Workshops with 2c8 Apps

Workshops with 2c8 Apps

Förvaltning med 2c8 Apps

Management with 2c8 Apps

Specific areas of application

Information modelling 2c8 Modeling Tool

Information modeling with 2c8 Modeling Tool



Certification program

All courses to complete the full certification program are included.


Examination 2c8 Apps

This exam is done to become an application expert and is also part of the certification program.


Certification exam

This is the final step in the certification program. After passing the certification exam, you are a certified 2c8 user.