2c8 Modeling Tool ENG

Create and open a repository

This topic covers: NOTE! If you work in version 5.4 you will need to log in to 2c8 Modeling Tool with your 2c8 Apps account. You should have received an invite to the 2c8 Portal to activate your account. If not, let us know at academy@2c8.com and we will resend the invite. You can read

Create and open a repository Read More »

Publish lists

With the release of version 5.3 of 2c8 Modeling Tool, we launched a new web profile. In this topic we will work in the new web profile. If you work in an older version, be sure to upgrade 2c8 Apps. Exersice Create a menu that looks like this and mix showing the menus as dropdowns

Publish lists Read More »